Can A Woman Really Do What A Man Can Do?


By Abdu Labaran Malumfashi.

Women Liberation Movement (Women Libers), which has no distinct starting date, but exploded in the late sixties, came up with the slogan that what a man can do, a woman can do it even better. It was okay at the time, because no man wanted to be seen to be as a masochist, otherwise, some men would have added the caveat, ‘not everything’.

But can they? I do not think so. In the first place, the physical structure and strength are not the same. Men are made of the starnner stuff than the women. Even in indoors or outdoors sports, the two are separated as the ‘strong sex’ sports, and the ‘weaker sex’ sport.

The Zionists however, who always act, behave and say contrary things to God’s Devine injunction, introduced the Wome Liberation Movement, among many devilish practices, to counter Him, in the erroneous belief that the organisation would stay the course, and make the woman folk feel not only equal, but superior, to the men folk. Towards that end, the cult introduced so many ‘freedoms’ purposely to discredit and discourage chastity and encourage promiscuity among women, including the girl child.

But years down the line, the Zionists created movement, lost much of its initial momentum, including in its own main base (US), as women themselves begun to doubt the truth of the slogan that ‘whatever a man can do, a woman can do it even better’. With the euphoria of the founding of the women libbers movement almost dissipated, some women have come to the realisation that a woman can only do somethings, but not everything that a man can do.

An open admission by a single-mother of three, showed that not every woman can raise a family alone without expecting a pat on the back for  doing a supposedly Herculean task, which by God’s Devine design, ought to have been done by a man. According to her, a man would not expect any compliments for bringing up his children, plus the wife or wives.

Another woman who also shared this word view, advised men to be wary of their wives, because they might behave differently the moment the men were without employment or fall down with a sickness (not by choice, become somewhat reclusive). She was of the belief that, after a period of taking care of the family alone, the true colour of the woman would eventually emerge when she gets exhausted or just fed up with running the house without the help of the man.

At that time, the woman may even voice her regrets of ever meeting the husband, not to talk of getting married to him. She may also likely express the desire to leave the matrimonial home and the husband for good. This view is shared by both the experienced women who have lived with a husband for many years, and relatively inexperienced young women who have lived with their husbands for a few years. The confessions or admissions, are all over the internet, for the doubting Thomases out there.

Zionism paints women ‘liberation’ in rosy colours, but many of them find out that the grass is not greener outside matrimony. It is, in fact, to be avoided at all cost by women, because bringing up a family is a man’s territory, not a woman’s.

The world is nowadays filled with men apologists, with women doing the apologies to the men for being the ones mostly at fault in many break ups of matrimonial relationship. In many cultures, most women accept responsibility for the sourness of the relationship between the two genders.

The narrative has now somehow changed, with many women not seeking equality with men anymore, but to be recognised as what God Has made them to be, women. Islam has given a woman more rights than the man, but has never assigned a man’s job to a woman, because she is made as a very weak personality. 

Again, Islam permits men to marry up to four wives where the man can support them and their children, because He knew that there would be more women than men in the world. And since it is a Devine wish, those women in matrimonial homes, many of which have marriageable daughters, sisters and other female relatives, should allow more women partners to join them. The even more women outside, should lower their expectations of going into the matrimonial home.

But over time, the precursors to Zionists opposed that Devine injunction and brought, preached as well as practiced the idea of ‘one man, one woman’ to the world. 

Some of the world-seeking elite wives, quickly latched onto this ideology, which is completely opposed to God’s DEVINE admonition, and urge their husband to accumulate money (mostly illegally), while putting them off marrying multiple wives, so that their direct offsprings may not suffer financially, which explains the pervasive corruption in government offices, regardless of the level of the official, and the high number of unmarried women in the society.

May God make everyone to realise their place and contribute accordingly, without going beyond His Devine boundary.

Malumfashi wrote from Katsina

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